
Composition and purpose of the association

Art. 1 : Name of the association

AETPR – Association Européenne de Thérapie psychocorporelle et Relationnelle.
(European Association of Body and Relational Psychotherapy)

The head office is in Strasbourg at the 102 route du Polygone.
The secretarial department is in Batzendorf, at the 5 rue des Aulnes.
The hotline is at the +333 88 73 80 57.

Art. 2 : Purpose of the association

Promote the development and the research in terms of therapies and psychobody and relational communications by the spreading, the teaching, publishing or any initiative that could help to the realisation of the purpose of the association.

In any case, the association does not seek for lucrative, political or religious purpose.


Art. 3 : The association is composed by activ members and honor members.

Art. 4 : The contribution payed by each members category is determined annualy by the general assembly.

Art. 5 : The admission of members is delivered by the administration council.

Art. 6 : The capacity of member of the association is lost :

by resignation by letter adressed to the administration council.
by exclusion delivered by the general assembly, for acts that can do moral or material harm to the association.
By stricking off delivered by the administration council for non payment of the contribution.

For the exclusion or the stricking off, the member concerned will be invited to provide explainations.

Administration and functioning

Art. 7 : The association is administrated by an administration council including at least 7 members elected for 6 years by the general assembly and choosed from within. They are renewable by third every 2 years.

They are elected by secret ballot.

Outgoing members are eligible for reelection.

Art. 8: The administration council chooses from within by secret ballot, an office composed of : a president, a vice-president, a secretary, an assistant secretary, a treasurer, an assistant treasurer and helpers.

This office is elected for a year. It is gathering as often as necessary.

Art. 9 : The administration council gathers at least once a year everytime it is summoned by the president or on demand of the third of its members.

Minutes of all seances are recorded. The statements are signed by the president and the secretary and are registered on a case dedicated to that.

Members of the administration council cannot receive any payment because of the functions confided to them.

Art. 10 : The general assembly of the association includes the members who have settled their contribution.

It gathers once a year and everytime it is summoned by the administration council. This summons must be made by letter at least 15 days before. The board meeting is recorded. The statements are signed by the president and the secretary and are registered on a case dedicated to that.

Its agenda is determined by the administration council.

The general assembly hears moral reports and delibarate about them. She approves the account of closed exercice, vote for the budget of the next exercice, deliberate on the questions of the agenda and renew the mandate of the members of the administration council.

Art. 11 : Expences are organized by the president. The president represents the association in justice and in any act of civil life. He can delegate, on advice of the administration council, his powers to another member of the administration council. The representative of the association must enjoy the full exercice of his civic rights.

Art. 12 : Resources of the association

  • contribution of its members
  • various subsidies
  • product of donations
  • ressources created for exceptional reason
  • registration right determined each year by the general assembly.

Art. 13 : a day to day accounting is held for receipts and expences, and if necessary an inventory accounting.

Modification of the dissolution status

Art. 14 : Status can be modified only on the proposition of the administration council or the quarter of the activ members up to date with the contributions. The extraordinary general assembly called to pronounce on these modifications, must be made from at least a quarter of its members. If this proportion is not reached, the general assembly is summoned again but in 15 days of interval. She can then deliberate whatever the number of present persons. A majority of 2/3 of the members is necessary to adopt the project.

Art. 15 : The general assembly called to pronounce on the dissolution of the association is summoned specially at this effect. It must include at least half of its members plus one.

If this proportion is not reached, the general assembly is summoned, but in 15 days of interval. She can then deliberate whatever the number of present persons. In any case, the dissolution is acquired only on the majority of the 2/3 of the present members.

Art. 16 : In case of dissolution the general assembly chooses one or many liquidators in charge of the liquidation of the goods of the association. She attributes the net asset to one or many associations following a similar purpose.

Art. 17 : The president must let know within 3 months, to the magistrates court of Strasbourg the declarations concerning :

  • the changing in the composition of the administration council ;
  • the modifications made to the status ;
  • the transfer of the siege ;
  • the dissolution.

Art. 18 : Internal rules will be elaborated by the administration council and submitted to the general assembly.

The present status have been adopted by the constitutive general assembly held in Strasbourg on march 5th 1998.

The association is registered to the Associations of Magistrates Court of Strasbourg register under the references : Volume 81/Folio 168.