Art. 1 – Admission
The admission as member is submitted to the prior acceptance of the admission Commission of the AETPR. This one gathers the informations and documentation necessary before the vote of approval pronounced by the administration council.
Art.2 – Admission criteria
Art. 2.1 – the active holder member justifies of :
- a personal psychotherapy,
- a complete and significant training pathway
- a practice of psychotherapy with private clientele (individual/group), and/or in institution,
- a supervision of his professional practise,
- a juridic status concerning the practise of psychotherapy, that he can justify :
- by a declaration of the INSEE if he’s practicing in liberal
- or the copy of the association’s status in the frame of which he’s intervening, also than a certificate of the president from the association certifying his practise of psychotherapy.
- or by a certificate of the employer specifying the nature of the activity he’s practicing in institution.
- And he commits to respect the ethic code of the AETPR that he signed.
Art. 2.2 – The associated member does not appear on the AETPR member’s yearbook, does not have any clientele, but followed a training of psychobody and relational therapy, it might concern students in the end of their training, and also specialists from neighbour professions (doctors, psychologists, nurses, social workers, helping relation…) who are not answering to the criteria of Art. 2.1.
Art. 2.3 – The member « awainting for final certification », according to the protocol of his school, is a psychopractitioner finishing his training. He’s at the beginning of his practice and is supervised under the responsibility of his training school. He appears under the denomination « awaiting for final certification » on the list of AETPR’s members, but also on the National Register from the FF2P.
The status « awaiting for final certification » is limited to a duration of 4 years after the end of the training program. Beyond any ICF member will lose his state of member of the association and also his registration to the FF2P.
Art. 2.4 – Only active members receive a certificate of member of the AETPR.
Art. 3 – Contribution
Art. 3.1 – The amount of the annual contribution is determined every year by the general ordinary assembly on proposition of the Administration council for the coming year (from september 1st to august 31st).
Art. 3.2 – The contribution must be settled, at the latest on the february 28th from current year (from september 1st to august 31st), except dispensation, after the starting of splitted payment.
Art. 3.3 – The contribution paid, from june 1st, by new members, is valid for the next year, under the condition of regularization of the amount at the fee decided by the general assembly.
Art. 3.4 – Only the members up to date with their contribution for the current year can take part to the votes of the general assembly.
Art. 3.5 – Any resigning member is required to inform the association by letter before august 31st of the current year. Beyond this date, the completeness of the contribution is due.
Art. 3.6 – The amount of the contribution of a member temporary suspended or excluded remains acquired.
Art. 4 – Administration council
Members are elected for two years. Starting 2001, the administration council is renewable by third every year.
- the 1st outgoing third in 2001 : helper + assistant secretary
- 2nd third on 2002 : helper + treasurer + vice president
- 3rd third in 2003 : secretary + president
Each section of 20 new members generates an additional seat to the administration council until the competition of 12 seats (the administration council cannot exceed 12 seats in total).
When a member of the AC is unavailable, he belongs to him to possibly give his capacity to another physical person often elected to the AC.
If a member is resigning, his post will be declared vacant for the next elections, in addition of the regular outgoing third.
The list of the outgoing members is knowned by every members, two months before the date of the elections.
Then there is a call of applications made to every members of the association.
The applications must come to the siege of the association by recommended letter with receipt of notification at the latest a month before the elections.
Art. 5 – Quorum
For the validity of the delibarations, at the AC but also the head office, the quorum of members physically present must be equal or superior at 50 %.
The powers must be written and signed. None can be bearer of more than two powers.
Art. 6 – Commission of Peers
Art. 6.1 – The Commission of Peers of the AETPR is intended to qualified psychopractitioners in body psychotherapy as defined in the frame of the European Association for Body Psychotherapy (EABP).
Art. 6.2 – The commission is composed by a jury consisting from at least 4 qualified psychopractitioners in the methods, holders of the CEP.
Art. 6.3 – The Commission of Peers has for purpose to acknowledge the applicant in the practice of his professional practicing. After examination of his case, the jury will audition the applicant.
Art. 6.4 – The Commission of Peers delivers an approval certificate neccesary to the obtaining of the CEP by the mean of big parenting.
Art. 7 – Ethic code
The AETPR has an ethic code compatible with the one of the FF2P and the EAP.
Art. 8 – Procedure of complaints and dispute resolution
Art. 8.1 – The administration council of the AETPR and the present parts are first seeking for resolving amicably any dispute.
Art. 8.2 – In case of lasting dispute, the concerned parties can adress to the ethic Commission of the AETPR who has a role of advice, mediator and arbitration.
Art. 8.3 – Possibly, the Commission can propose, to the concerned parties, reparation ways corresponding to the damages undergone. She pronounces, depending the case, penalties or professional opinions : recommandations, warning, disapproval, suspension, temporary or definitive exclusion from the AETPR. In no way she can pretend to substitute itself to current civil or penal law.
Art. 8.4 – The Commission is composed by two permanent members elected by the general assembly for two years. A third member is chosen outside from the AETPR as external moderator.
If necessary, on decision of the head office, a comity of external persons to the AETPR can be constituated.
Art. 8.5 – The AETPR is seized by the plaintiff by recommended letter with receipt of notification.
The elected Commission replies to the demand in a limit of 3 months and gives his opinion within a year.
Art. 8.6 – Any appeal can be made to the French Federation of Psychotherapy and Psychanalysis – FF2P.
Art. 8.7 – The confidentiality of the parties is required all along the procedure.
Art. 8.8 – In case of non respect of the admission rules, the association represented by the head office proceeds to the temporary suspension or to the exclusion of the concerned member, this one is kept informed by recommended letter with receipt of notification.